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I’m on the Road to Freedom

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Hey everybody!

I’m H. and I’m a sexaholic, addicted to lusting after men and women. 
God has blessed me with sobriety since April 19th, 2020.

I am grateful for the opportunity to share on this awesome new blog. I thought I’d share some fellowship highlights that go on here in Jerusalem.

Just like SA all over the world, we are open to absolutely anyone who is looking for recovery. In Jerusalem it’s easy to see that diversity, as the holy city is populated with many different types of people.

Our local fellowship is made up of members from all walks of life: religious, non-religious, men, women, Jews, Christians, Muslims, Armenians, atheists – the list goes on. People from a wide variety of nationalities settle in Israel, so you are likely to hear many different accents at a meeting. 

The beauty is: We notice the similarities, not the differences.

The Hebrew and Israeli Fellowship (made up of Hebrew and English speakers) go on a hike once a month, where we connect through talking, music, campfires and (of course) hiking in the wild. (this month we’re doing an overnight in the desert, at Mount Sedom!)

It’s a really special feeling knowing I have my SA family and home with me wherever I go, but this family are also friends I can spend time with in the great outdoors.

Some years ago, I wrote a song called, “I’m on the Road to Freedom”.

I have sung this song at these campouts and have shared the message of the words, which is not to give up along the road to freedom.

Here are the lyrics:


I’m on the road to freedom,
Travelling with the wind in my face,
I’m the road to freedom,
Smiling ‘cuz this ain’t no race.

I’m the road to freedom, 
Never again to live as a slave,
I’m on the road to freedom,
And this is how the road is paved.


Up and down, up and down,
But I still keep on moving
I get my strength from God above,
Just for today.

Up and down, up and down,
But I still keep on growing,
I open my arms and embrace the love,
Show me the way.

Throughout my recovery journey, if there is one message I can share from my experience, it is to:

For me, it’s a mindset – not just to keep physically coming back, but also emotionally, spiritually and mentally.

When I face disappointment, tragedy, difficulty, defects, and life feels like it’s over, I keep letting go, and I come back home to my Higher Power and loving family of SA.

My fellows and fellowess’es give me the strength to keep coming back and continue on the road to freedom, the road which my soul is really looking for.

So thank you for sitting in that meeting and helping me come back home, every time I feel down, estranged and lost.

To those of you who have not made it here yet,
We look forward to welcoming you here in Jlem! ?


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